Everyone wants to know if Kanye’s conversion was real? I am here to tell you the truth about it. Is Yeezus now serving Jesus?
I have no idea. What I do know is that it is impossible for one man to know another man’s heart. Kanye West is a “genius” and he doesn’t know my heart. I am certainly no genius and have no predilection to Kanye’s heart. We should quit trying. I have known every one of my girlfriends very well, but most of the time I couldn’t tell you what they were going to be doing in 5 minutes, but I’m supposed to know where Kanye West is spending eternity? No thanks… This question doesn’t even need to be asked. Time will tell.
What I am wondering, is what all these people who are so hung up on it have done to help these new believers who are finding Jesus at Kanye’s church services? I can tell you from experience emotions can be manipulated, we can all be Christians. I’m a Christian, you’re a Christian. Who the heck is going to hell? The way we live and speak, it will be empty (except for Kanye, I guess he will be there.)
These people who are finding humility and the need for Jesus are going right back to the streets and the family that they came from with no new guidance or mentoring. That is so counter-intuitive. I have been locked up for about 20 months of my life. The single scariest zone (what our individual living blocks were called) was A1 in the Hinds County Detention Center. It was where the juveniles were held. State law makes it where, unless it is a violent charge, then most teens in Jackson are adjudicated through the juvenile system. The ones who murder or commit armed robbery in Jackson end up in A1. It is a real-live concrete jungle. Complete survival of the fittest. These kids will take your food, make you bleed, and make you clean up the mess. They do not care. I promise they do not have real men in their life to look up to besides rappers telling them to sale drugs and gang-leaders making money off of them selling drugs.
You may say, I had a terrible family life and I didn’t become a criminal? To you I say this, “Congratulations on not being a statistic.” I had a great family and am a convicted drug dealer. It’s not where we’ve been; it is where we are going. This counts for the least of us as well. So to you who are so worried about whether Kanye is a Christian or not, it doesn’t matter. Because of his words, thousands are at least considering Christ. Stand in the gap for them before they are the ones taking your kid’s corn bread.
